Hounds for Heroes is a charity providing specially trained assistance dogs to both HM Armed Forces and Emergency Services personnel who have become disabled through illness or injury. The Charity aims to provide help and practical support leading to an enhanced quality of life, www.houndsforheroes.com

The Board of Trustees plays a key role in determining the strategy to help the Charity achieve it’s goals and to provide guidance, support and challenge to the management team. 

We now are looking to recruit an additional 2 Trustees to join the Board.

As a member of our Board of Trustees you will be part of the leadership team responsible for the overall governance and strategic direction of the Charity, helping us achieve our vision and ensuring that the Charity fulfils its charitable purpose through the development of the organisation’s objectives and strategy.

Overall our key requirement is to find applicants with affinity for, and commitment to help deliver, the Charity’s mission but we are particularly looking for applicants who either have financial expertise and would be willing to Chair the monthly Financial Committee or have marketing expertise and would be willing to contribute to the creation and delivery of the marketing plans. Knowledge of the charity sector would be welcome but is not essential.

Trustees should expect to devote a minimum of 4 – 6 hours per month to Charity affairs -preparing for and attending the monthly Board meeting (held virtually in the evening ) and involvement in either the Financial or Marketing meetings plus attendance at an annual Strategic Review Day at the Centre 

To apply:

Please send a CV and covering letter to mandyferguson@houndsforheroes.com, detailing how you meet the areas of expertise (see above) and the skills you are able to offer. NB A Trustee job description can be downloaded from the Trustee page on the website.

To arrange an informal conversation with the Chair please contact Mandy Ferguson at the above email address.

Please do not call the office.

Trustee Role Description