Congratulations to Nelson for passing his Puppy Foundation Training! 

Nelson is one of our puppies in training, he currently lives with his Puppy Parent Sue. 

He is progressing really well with his training and is clearly loving life and learning about the world with his Puppy Parent. He even supported the charity by taking part in our recent Pound for Hounds event with his Puppy Parent! 

Nelson has made a fantastic start with his loose lead walking and recall. He does really well in class and especially enjoys an after class play with his classmates. 

Well done Nelson, Puppy Parents Sue and not forgetting Puppy Trainer Lauren for all of your hard work! 

As you can see, Nelson was just as excited at passing his Puppy Foundation Training as we were! 

We are very grateful to HMS Victory who have generously part-funded Nelson's assistance dog training journey.

Meet all our dogs in training